Sales Management

ERP Software for Sales Management

What is a sales management system and why do I need it?

Sales Management is a module of the ERP System that allows a company to reorganize and track the sales process. It also also provide customer order, invoicing, payments and retail sales. Online web portal available for higher management to summary reports


  • Sales Quotation preparation and processing.
  • Customer Sales Orders.
  • Delivery/Shipment/out gate pass
  • Delivery Return/In gate pass
  • Sales Invoicing/Billing
  • Sales Invoicing Returns
  • Monitoring the sales transaction
  • Checking for availability
  • Calculating pricing and taxes
  • Checking Credit Limits
  • Advance Receipts form Customer
  • R/A Invoice Payment Receipts
  • Refund Payment against Advance Receipts
  • Created Printing or electronic transmitted documents


Did you know that there are a few hidden benefits that you didn’t know about? Here are some benefits that sales management software can bring to your business.

  • Sales Management Software Helps You Manage Your Lead Sources
  • It Converts More Leads
  • It Stops Your Agents From Hearing the Dial Tone
  • Using this Keeps Your Employees Coming Back for More


Sales Management

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